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Testing Handlers

Creating New Tests for Handlers

When writing new tests for handlers, ensure that you cover the following components:

  1. Hook Registration: Test that the handler correctly registers and processes hooks from plugins.
  2. Process Plugin Logic: Verify that the process_plugin method works correctly and invokes the appropriate plugin functionality based on the plugin type.
  3. Plugin Loading: Ensure that the handler can load and manage plugins correctly.

Example: Test for Handler Hook

import pytest
from pluggy import PluginManager
from opsbox.general_handler import GeneralHandler

def plugin_manager():
    """Fixture for setting up the plugin manager."""
    manager = PluginManager("opsbox")
    return manager

def test_add_hookspecs(plugin_manager):
    """Test that the handler correctly registers hooks."""
    handler = GeneralHandler()
    assert plugin_manager.get_hookspecs() is not None

Example: Test for process_plugin

def test_process_plugin(plugin_manager):
    """Test that the handler processes plugins correctly."""
    handler = GeneralHandler()
    plugin = MockPlugin(type="input")
    handler.process_plugin(plugin, prior_results=[], registry=MockRegistry())
    assert plugin.was_processed == True

In this example, MockPlugin is a class from the tests/ file used to simulate plugins in the sysyem.

Running Your New Tests

After creating new tests, you can run them just like any other test:

pytest test/general_handler/