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Opsbox S3 Check Collection

Opsbox has a collection of rego checks to monitor various aspects of your S3 environment.

Check Name Description Pipeline Name
Unused Buckets Identifies S3 buckets that have not been accessed or modified for a specified period. unused_buckets
Object Last Modified Checks the last modified date of objects in S3 buckets. object_last_modified
Storage Class Usage Monitors the usage of different storage classes in S3 buckets. storage_class_usage

Installation Collection Package Name

opsbox-s3-checks is the name of this collection.

To install any of the S3 checks in this collection, install this collection by adding opsbox-s3-checks to your project.

These checks rely on the S3 Provider, which is installed as a prerequisite of this package. More info on the S3 provider can be found here

You can find more details about each check in their respective documentation files.